
The Early Intervention Team is a faculty and staff-led entity, with consultation from Counseling and Psychological Services, the Student Wellness Center, the Institute for Health and Human Services , the Student Learning Center, the University College Academic Advising and Orientation Center and a number of other units and campus personnel.  The team’s main function is to meet with students who are showing signs of difficulty with university life and who have been referred by faculty or staff.  Students may make referrals through a faculty member. The meetings with referred students are non-disciplinary and are intended to offer support and connect students with resources that can assist them to become healthier and more productive members of the community.  

The Early Intervention Team is not intended to substitute for faculty and staff conversations with students or to take the place of referrals to the Counseling Center. Rather, when relevant, it is hoped that faculty and staff, contacting the Early Intervention Team will simultaneously encourage students to visit the Counseling Center or that the Early Intervention Team will be used as an additional resource. 

This program is supported by the Office of Academic Affairs, University College, and the Division of Student Affairs.

Quick Referral Guide for Faculty and Staff

The social, personal, and academic demands of college can place enormous stress on students. To help students stay fully engaged in the educational process and meet Appalachian's high standards, the University has numerous means of identifying students who might be struggling. If you are concerned about a student, please review the options below to connect with the appropriate resource for your student. 

Reasons for Concern

attendanceBasic Attendance or Course Performance (University College Student Success)

If your concern about a student is based solely on attendance or academic performance, please complete and submit an Attendance and Performance Alert. Advocates will reach out to the student, offer support and resources, and follow up with you. As appropriate, we may consult the student's academic advisor, as well. Please be aware that we are able to provide more effective support when we are able to connect with the student earlier in the semester. Questions? Email avp-student-success@appstate.edu


Moderate Academic Performance or Personal Issues (Early Intervention Team)

If your concern about a student is about more than attendance (10 or more)/performance, the Early Intervention Team (EIT) is likely the proper referral. Examples of this could include a student's disclosure of the following: family concerns and/or emotional concerns impacting their functioning, or observable changes in appearance or behavior, sleeping in class, etc.

The EIT, composed of concerned faculty and staff from across campus, will follow up with the student's advisor and the student's other professors to see if concerns exist. If it is determined that the Team should meet with the student, we will reach out to the student at that time. The Early Intervention Team wants to ensure that the students you refer are getting the assistance they need to be successful and safe. Login to submit an Early Intervention Team Referral.

Please be as thorough as possible when filling it out. Martha Marking is the faculty director of the EIT. If you need to reach out to her directly for consultation, she may be reached at referralseit@appstate.edu or 828-262-7077.

complex personal or seriousSerious or Complex Personal Issues (Office of the Dean of Students)

If your concern about a student is even more serious, you can refer directly to the Case Management Team housed within the Office of the Dean of Students. The Case Management Team helps faculty and staff address serious concerns about students and are committed to the safety of Appalachian students and community. To share a concern about a student please complete the Case Management Care and Concern Referral Form

Examples of this could include a student's disclosure of the following: thoughts of suicide, interpersonal violence, or other safety concern that may need immediate attention.


If you are concerned about the immediate safety of a member of the Appalachian Family, you should call Appalachian State University Police at 828-262-8000 or, if off campus, 911.

Not sure if you should refer? Please do. It is always best to refer. If nothing else, it lets the student know that we are looking out for members of our Appalachian Family.

Still not sure where to refer? Start with the Attendance and Performance Alert. OSS, EIT, and the Dean of Students Office communicate regularly and will work together to ensure the proper intervention for your student.

If you want to consult about a student, you can contact OSS (828-262-6987), EIT (828-262-7077), the Dean of Students Office (828-262-8284), or any of the offices listed below: